Carlson SurvCE GPS Only
Carlson SurvCE
Work With The First Choice In Data Collection Software
Carlson SurvCE’s powerful features help you do more, do it accurately & in less time:
■ Powerful Roading: favored by U.S. DOTs and heavy highway contractors around the world
■ Advanced functionality for staking intersections and cul-de-sacs using Carlson Road Network Files
■ Highly graphical and intuitive user interface – the software prompts you so no detail is missed
■ Strong GIS features for accurate data capture, including attribute data, that allows seamless links to Esri®
■ True versatility: SurvCE runs on most all GPS and total station equipment models in service today
■ Optimal Field-to-Finish: no need to spend extra hours in the office to make drawings
■ Easy data exchange due to rich support of CAD file formats and .dwg, .dgn, .shp
■ More field capabilities with quick and easy volume calculation and ability to generate points from polylines
■ Cut/Fill stakeout using surface files
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