Carlson Field


Full Data Collection Inside CAD

Carlson Field enables real-time surveying in CAD on small, ruggedized PC/laptop computers. Users can see what they are collecting, zoom in and out, or pan over, plus accomplish any basic COGO operation and also any high-level CAD operation. Also possible to stakeout building corners, lot corners or any CAD feature by “snapping” to the CAD entity—without
creating point numbers.
■ Plot all field data collected in the .dwg/.dxf format
■ Plot points, add text, check contours, all in the field
■ Use digital photos when collecting data
■ Collect feature attributes into the GIS database
■ Work with depth sounders and laser range finders in addition to GPS receivers and both conventional and robotic total stations.

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SKU: CS2018.008.001. Categories: ,